Stock movements
System modules > Program settings > Stock movements

In the global settings for stock movements you configure how and when individual postings are to be taken into account.

The following options are possible:


Bind stock postings from orders (sales) to date: Drop down Selection with which date value the booking is taken into account. Available are:
- Print date of the document (default)
- Dates 1-9
- Dates of manufacturing, installation and delivery
- Individual date 1-5
Bind order fillings from orders (sales) to date: Drop down Selection with which date value the booking is taken into account. Available are:
- Immediately (default)
- Reservation date of the project
- Print date of the document
- Dates 1-9
- Dates of manufacturing, installation and delivery
- Individual date 1-5
Bind stock postings from purchase orders to date: Drop down Selection with which date value the booking is taken into account. Available are:
- Execution date (default)
- Print date of the document
- Individual date 1-5
Action if not available Drop down

Selection of what should happen if the articles used in the project are not available. Available are:

- None (default)
- Warning signal
- Prevent finalisation

Stock movements including waste for full length items Checkbox If an article is sold in full stock / order length, the percentage cut off stored is not calculated when the checkbox is activated (since no cut is necessary).
Calculate reserved material Drop down

Configuration of how far reservations booked in the future should be taken into account when determining the available stock of the individual items. Available are:

- All reservations (default)
- Till current date
- Till 1 week after current date
- Till 2 weeks after current date
- Till 3 weeks after current date


Preconfiguration of the stock movements

Preconfiguration of the stock movements