Document templates
System modules > Text templates > Document templates

Document templates are general text templates, which are used for recurring /serial letters etc. . An optional number of document templates can be created, e.g. a template for general letters and faxes, letters with complete content text e.g. for serial prints.

The document templates can be selected within the contact and project detail view via the navigation point "documents & notes" and via the serial letter assistant.


For creating a new document template, the folder "document templates" must be marked in the selection area on the left. Subsequently, a new template is created via the button. First, a distinct abbreviation for the template has to be inserted.


New creation of a document template

New creation of a document template


The document template can be designed freely via the function of the text editor. In the document templates placeholders can be used as well for inserting e.g. the client address. However, only the linked placeholder and fields are available. That means, in a document which is created from the contacts detail view, placeholder that refer to project or position data do not function here.


Basic pattern of a document template with placeholders

Basic pattern of a document template with placeholders