Task management
Other > Time management > Task management

The calendar view contains a task manager in which all tasks are displayed according the set filters. The list can be sorted as desired with a click on the column name.

In the task list, the singular entries are marked according to their priority:  


Priority high
Priority normal
Priority low



Task administration

Task administration


The following functions for the task management are available via the toolbar:


Create a new task
Delete a marked task


A task in detail 

A task differs from a date or a time entry insofar it is not bound to a time period. Tasks can be created for a user or be made visible -marked as memo- for all users.


Process a task

Process a task


For tasks, the following details can be defined:


Subject Simple input field Short description of the task
Responsible Predefined selection list Selection of the user responsible for the task
Priority Predefined selection list Definition of the priority of a task
Due to Input field / calendar pop-up Determination, until when the task has to be carried out the latest.
Reminder Predefined selection list Selection, how long before due date the user shall be reminded of this task (Note: A reminder is not possible for task type "memo").
Description Simple input field Detailed description of the task.
Object binding Predefined selection list If the task is assigned to exactly one contact, one article, one project or one order, this reference can be inserted here. Via the button the assigned data set is opened.
Memo Checkbox If this checkbox is active, the task will be classified as memo / note for all users.
Finished Checkbox If a task has been completed, it can be checked via this checkbox.


A task bound to an object can also be created from a detail view in the main modules via the  button.