Product statistic
The main modules > Articles > Articles list view > Product statistic

A product statistic makes a quick overview and a quick detailed analysis of one or several item over a certain time period possible.

Before that, a print report for the article statistic has to be defined in the program settings.


Creation of a print report product statistic

Creation of a print report product statistic


Through the assistant, the items to be viewed are selected and the project documents and values to be considered are defined.


Configuration of a product statistic

Configuration of a product statistic


Options of the product statistic:

Project documents Selection of the project documents to be considered for the statistic.
Displayed values

Selection of the values to be displayed in the statistic.

Piece Display of the piece number of the articles contained in the project documents
SP net Display of the net sales price achieved in the project documents
Sum Display of a sum
PP Display of the purchase prices recorded in the project documents
CM Display of the calculated contribution margin 


Summarization Configuration, if it shall be consolidated in the report per calendar week, month or business year.
with date Selection, which project date shall be considered for the time period to be inquired.  
Items-selection Selection of the positions / articles, which shall be analyzed in the statistic. In the column matchcode, the matchcodes of the single articles have to be inserted. If several items shall be listed under a miscelleanous/combined name in the statistic, they can be inserted into a row one after another, divided by a semicolon. Via the column text string, the selection can be limited further, if, e.g. only the positions of an article shall be analyzed, which contain e.g. a certain color.
In the column "output name" it is defined, which text shall appear for this row in the statistic.
In the column "in PL" it is determined, if also items from part lists shall be considered in the statistic.
Filter contact folder A product statistic always considers all project documents of all customers. If the statistic shall be carried out only for a certain group of customers, this can be defined via the single customer folders.   
Consider rep. filter The customer circle to be analyzed can also be limited via the assigned representatives.


Via the print menu the article statistic is started. In the selection query, the time period to be analyzed and the density of the display values are determined.


Print of a product statistic

Print of a product statistic


The created product statistic can be exported to Microsoft Excel or printed.  


Example product statistic

Example product statistic